
January 23, 2025

Codomax has been selected as one of 80 total finalists, and one of seven finalists in the food and agriculture track of Hello Tomorrow’s Global Challenge, from a pool of over 4600 applicants. We will be presenting a pitch at the Global Summit in Paris in March to highlight the potential of our Epi-MAX platform to enable the biomanufacturing of novel alternative food proteins.

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July 1, 2024

Codomax, in collaboration with the lab of Prof. Stephen Fried at Johns Hopkins University, has been awarded a Phase I STTR grant titled “Designer Pichia strains that enable difficult-to-express biologics production by addressing limitations in secretory protein expression”. The goal of this project is to leverage the Epi-MAX platform and the Fried Lab’s expertise in structural proteomics to engineer the secretory pathway in Pichia to increase the efficiency of secretory recombinant protein production from the novel engineered cell lines.

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April 15, 2024

Codomax, in collaboration with the labs of Prof. Susan Sharfstein and Prof. Thomas Begley at the University at Albany, has been awarded a Phase I STTR grant titled “Optimizing antibody production in CHO cells using Epi-MAX technology to increase heavy and light change expression”. The goal of this project is to leverage the Epi-MAX platform to increase multi-copy antibody gene expression from CHO cells by engineering the CHO tRNA pool and transcription factors.

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April 10, 2024

Co-founders Joe Reddy (President and CEO) and Shane Byrne (CSO) were invited to participate in Lonza’s Biologics Innovation Day. Shane presented a talk titled “Enabling Difficult-to-Express Biologics Production with the Epi-MAX Platform Technology” in which he discussed the diverse applications of our platform technology to enhance biomanufacturing.

August 1, 2023

Codomax has been awarded a Phase I STTR grant, titled Exploiting translation elongation for improved biologics manufacturing, in collaboration with the lab of Prof. Peter Dedon at MIT. The goal of this project is to optimize the Epi-MAX platform technology for the production of interferon biosimilars.

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